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Café Vert Indonésien

Café vert importé directement d'Indonésie

Les cafés verts indonésiens

L'Indonésie, avec ses milliers d’îles volcaniques s’étendant sur près de 5 000 km, offre une incroyable diversité de cafés. Chaque région, de Sumatra à la Papouasie occidentale, produit des grains aux arômes uniques, influencés par le climat, le sol et les savoir-faire locaux. Découvrez cette richesse à travers notre sélection de cafés uniques et savoureux !

Découvrez Terra Indo, votre café.

Nous importons du café indonésien vert directement des plantations en Indonésie, garantissant qualité et authenticité pour nos clients en France et en Europe.

A white coffee bag labeled 'Bix Coffee' sits partially obscured by green foliage. The label provides information about the coffee, including its origin from Indonesia, roast type as Omni, and process as washed. A QR code and contact information are also visible on the package.
A white coffee bag labeled 'Bix Coffee' sits partially obscured by green foliage. The label provides information about the coffee, including its origin from Indonesia, roast type as Omni, and process as washed. A QR code and contact information are also visible on the package.



Qualité garantie.

Directement importé.

Galerie plantations

A collection of unroasted green coffee beans is partially covered by a white paper or packaging. The beans have a raw, natural appearance and are scattered below the white surface.
A collection of unroasted green coffee beans is partially covered by a white paper or packaging. The beans have a raw, natural appearance and are scattered below the white surface.
An abundance of unroasted green coffee beans with a smooth, matte texture. They are oval-shaped and densely packed together, varying slightly in size and hue.
An abundance of unroasted green coffee beans with a smooth, matte texture. They are oval-shaped and densely packed together, varying slightly in size and hue.
A close-up of a pile of unroasted green coffee beans, displaying a variety of shapes and slight variations in color across the beans. The texture and details of the beans are clearly visible, highlighting their raw and natural state.
A close-up of a pile of unroasted green coffee beans, displaying a variety of shapes and slight variations in color across the beans. The texture and details of the beans are clearly visible, highlighting their raw and natural state.
A burlap sack partially filled with raw, unroasted coffee beans. The coffee beans are light greenish-beige in color and are spilling out of the sack onto a textured surface.
A burlap sack partially filled with raw, unroasted coffee beans. The coffee beans are light greenish-beige in color and are spilling out of the sack onto a textured surface.
A cluster of green, unripe coffee cherries growing on a branch surrounded by lush, glossy leaves. The leaves display various shades of green, with some showing signs of water droplets.
A cluster of green, unripe coffee cherries growing on a branch surrounded by lush, glossy leaves. The leaves display various shades of green, with some showing signs of water droplets.